Hiram H. Lesar Lecture - Jill Wine-Banks

Wednesday, October 4, 2023
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM America, Chicago
Lesar Law Building Auditorium Carbondale, Illinois, United States of America
Hosted by: SIU School of Law
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Jill Wine-Banksis currently an MSNBC Legal Analyst, appearing regularly on primetime and daytime shows. 
Ms. Wine-Banks began her career as the first woman to serve as an organized crime prosecutor at the U.S. Department of Justice in Washington, D.C. After just over four years, her trial capabilities and win record led to her selection as one of the three Assistant Watergate Special Prosecutors, where she was again the only woman, in the obstruction of justice trial against President Nixon’s top aides. She was also a major player in the Watergate tapes hearing, cross-examining Rose Mary Woods, President Nixon’s secretary, about the 18 ½ minute gap in a key White House recording. 

After the Watergate case, she entered private practice in D.C., before being named General Counsel of the U.S. Army by President Carter. After the Pentagon, she returned to Chicago, as a partner at Jenner and Block, before being appointed as Illinois’ first Solicitor General and then promoted to Deputy Attorney General (again the first female in that role). 

A national search then led to her appointment as the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of the American Bar Association, the largest professional association in America. She was the first woman in that role, too. This experience led to her decision to begin a corporate career at Motorola and later Maytag. 

She has a B.S. in Communications from the University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana, a J.D. from Columbia University School of Law in New York City, and an Honorary Doctor of Law from Hood College.

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